D. Th

Semester 1

General Introduction to Bible

Survey of the Old Testament

History of Israel

Orientation to Christian Theology

Introduction to the Study of Religions

Introduction to Missions and Church Planting

Book of James

Semester 2

Ancient church history

Survey of the New Testament

Introduction to Christian Doctrines

Life and teaching of Jesus

Introduction to the Study of Religions

Introduction to Christian Ministry

Church Growth Training

Discipleship and Christian Living

Study on Pastoral epistles

Semester 3


Book of Hebrews

Synoptic Gospels

Introduction to Christian Ethics

Book of Revelation

Major Religious Traditions in India

Pastoral Care and Counselling

Modern Trends in Missions


Poetical Books and Wisdom Literature

Semester 4

The Book of Daniel

Gospel of John

Person and Work of Jesus Christ

Book of the Acts of Apostles

Indian Christian Theology

History of Christianity: Modern

Modern Religious and Secular Movements in India

Christian Response to Religious Cults

The Book of the Revelation

Leadership and Pastoral Administration